Alberta Premier Smith questions election role of Opposition leader Notley's husband
Alberta Premier Danielle Smith is raising questions about Opposition NDP Leader Rachel Notley’s husband and his role in the upcoming provincial election campaign.
Alberta Premier Danielle Smith is raising questions about Opposition NDP Leader Rachel Notley’s husband and his role in the upcoming provincial election campaign.
Notley’s husband, Lou Arab, is a communications official for the Canadian Union of Public Employees and sits on the governing board of Notley’s NDP.
In a statement Saturday from her United Conservative party, Smith says she wants to know if it’s legal for CUPE to spend money on attack ads against the UCP given Notley’s relationship to Arab.
The statement didn’t specify what law Smith believes is being violated.
“What the premier would like to ask Ms. Notley, who is married to a communications representative for CUPE, is why is her husband’s union spending massively on third-party attack ads to elect the NDP, and how is it legal?” said the UCP statement.
The statement also questioned Arab in relation to the province’s union advocacy group, the Alberta Federation of Labour.
“Ms. Notley’s husband is actively involved as a union representative (with the AFL). They are working night and day to elect NDP candidates, from door knocking to spending massively on third-party attack ads, to influence the NDP and the electorate.