Alberta family warns about dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning on boats
Global News
A Spruce Grove family has a reminder about boating safety after their six-year-old girl ended up in the emergency room with carbon monoxide poisoning.
A day on the water turned into a terrifying ordeal for a Spruce Grove family.
Brandon Ryan and six-year-old Valerie both suffered carbon monoxide poisoning after a day on the water at Wizard Lake near Calmar in July.
Valerie and Ryan were on a wakesurfing boat, at the back on the swim platform, when he realized something was wrong.
“She went from laughing and giggling to full seizure in about 10 seconds,” Ryan said.
He watched her fall to her side and then stop breathing. He began to give her CPR.
Doctors told the family the seizure was caused by carbon monoxide poisoning from the boat’s exhaust.
Carbon monoxide is an odourless and colourless gas. Exposure symptoms include nausea, headache or dizziness.
“They put Valerie on oxygen and ran all the tests on her. I came later. Her carbon monoxide levels came back through the roof, even after being on oxygen.”