Alberta COVID-19 hospitalizations near record levels, 11 deaths on Wednesday
The number of patients with COVID-19 in hospital remained above 1,600 for the eighth time in the last nine days, according to Wednesday’s preliminary count, with 1,615 patients receiving care.
The number of deaths due to COVID-19 in Alberta grew by 10 on Wednesday while the number of infected patients in hospital remained near high levels, according to the province’s latest data update.
There were 11 deaths reported of individuals ranging in age from in their 50s to more than 80 years old. One death was removed from the count after being determined to be not due to COVID-19.
Seventy-three Albertans have died due to COVID-19 in the past seven days.
The number of patients with COVID-19 in hospital remained above 1,600 for the eighth time in the last nine days, according to Wednesday’s preliminary count, with 1,615 patients receiving care.
Hospitalization data is routinely revised for accuracy and to account for reporting delays.
Tuesday’s initial count of 1,623 was revised up to 1,659, the second-highest of the pandemic.
The 23 highest patient counts have all come in the last 23 days.