Ajit Doval's "Respect Territorial Integrity" Jibe At China At Shanghai Group Meet
"The charter calls upon member states to have mutual respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity of states," Ajit Doval said.
In an apparent swipe at China, India's National Security Advisor Ajit Doval today emphasised on the need for Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) members to respect each other's territorial integrity.
In his opening remarks at the SCO-level NSA meeting in Delhi, Mr Doval called upon states to have mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity.
"The charter calls upon member states to have mutual respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity of states and inviolability of state borders, non-use of force or threat of its use in international relations and seeking no unilateral military superiority in adjacent areas," Mr Doval said.
Mr Doval also spoke at length about the challenge terrorism poses to the region.