Air Pollution Linked With Higher Risk Of Dementia, Finds Study
The researchers at the University of Washington used data from two large, long-running study projects -- one that began in the late 1970s measuring air pollution and another on risk factors for dementia that began in 1994. They identified a link between PM2.5 and dementia.
Even a small increase in the levels of fine particle pollution (PM2.5) is associated with a greater risk of dementia for people living in those areas, according to a study conducted in the US. The researchers at the University of Washington used data from two large, long-running study projects -- one that began in the late 1970s measuring air pollution and another on risk factors for dementia that began in 1994. They identified a link between PM2.5 or particulate matter 2.5 micrometres or smaller and dementia. "We found that an increase of 1 microgramme per cubic metre of exposure corresponded to a 16 per cent greater hazard of all-cause dementia. There was a similar association for Alzheimer''s-type dementia," said study lead author Rachel Shaffer, who conducted the research as a doctoral student at the University of Washington.More Related News