AI arms race will dominate 2024 election
Fox News
AI arms race will dominate 2024 election as campaigns maximize use of new artificial intelligence technology. Results will show the strengths of the tech.
Tom Newhouse is the vice president of Digital Marketing at Convergence Media and a former digital director at the National Republican Congressional Committee, and was recognized by the American Association of Policitical Consultants (AAPC) as one of the 40 best and brightest campaign professionals under 40 years old.
Looking back at the Barack Obama campaigns of 2008 and 2012, they mastered the art of using social media for grassroots organizing, online ad targeting, and fundraising. In 2016, the Donald Trump campaign drove a digital-first media strategy that drove old school consultants crazy, but paid dividends and gave them a distinct advantage over the Hillary Clinton campaign.

DAVID MARCUS: Shocking report reveals need to drive stake through heart of Biden’s censorship regime
Columnist David Marcus writes that a new Media Research Center report highlighting just how bad censorship got under Biden proves that we need to implement laws that prevent it from ever coming back.