AHS administrator reports shorter health-care wait times after 90 days in role
Alberta Health Services has reduced wait times for surgeries and EMS service, according to official administrator Dr. John Cowell's 90-day progress report released Monday.
The report, the first released by Cowell since the launch of the Health Care Action Plan on Nov. 17, highlights actions that have been taken and others that are in progress.
Premier Danielle Smith said the report showed her that the system is not on the brink of collapse like she was told when she took office in October.
"The system is not in crisis. It's not going to collapse," Smith said. "We're seeing the numbers go down and we're seeing that the language and how people are talking about the system has changed. People now have confidence."
NDP MLA Lori Sigurdson said staffing shortages have forced 32 hospitals to partially close and send mothers in rural Alberta to other communities to give birth. She added that emergency room waits are down because seasonal spikes of respiratory illnesses have abated.
Sigurdson challenged Smith's assertion that AHS was not in crisis.
"This is simply a lie," she said.
Cowell's 90-day update focused on the four areas he was tasked with reforming: improving EMS response, cutting waits for surgery, decreasing waits in the emergency room and improving patient flow through the system.
The number of patients waiting more than the clinically recommended times has dropped by 9.4 per cent since November. The provincial wait time to see a doctor in an emergency room is down ten per cent over that same time period.
Emergency rooms of Alberta's 16 largest hospitals will see the equivalent of 114 full-time nursing positions added starting next month. The staffing will be a mix of full and part-time staff but the numbers are still to be determined.
The report says there has been a small improvement in average wait times for ambulances in 90 per cent of cases: a drop from 21.8 to 17 minutes per call in larger urban areas; 21.5 to 19.2 minutes in communities over 3,000; and 36 to 34.9 minutes in rural communities.
Health Link nurses handled 1,600 calls in the the first three weeks of an initiative to transfer non-urgent calls from 911 to 811.
The report says 70 casual paramedics will become permanent full-time staff with positions allocated across the five health zones.
Mike Parker, president of the Health Sciences Association of Alberta, the union that represents paramedics, said he was happy to see the government is hiring more of its members but that more needs to be done to fill vacancies in Alberta.