Agra: Yamuna pollution levels surge, locals say water unfit for drinking or irrigation
India Today
The UP Pollution Control Board has found that the pollution levels in the Yamuna river get tripled on the way from Kailash Ghat, the place of its entry into Agra, to the Taj Mahal.
The Taj Mahal is counted among the seven wonders of the world. But the black waters of the Kalindi (Yamuna) flowing behind the Taj mar not only the monument’s beauty but the reputation of Agra and the Uttar Pradesh government. Now, the UP Pollution Control Board has found that the pollution levels in the river get tripled on the way from Kailash Ghat, the place of its entry into Agra, to the Taj Mahal.
The main reason behind this are the major drains of the city emptying their filthy contents into the Yamuna. An official of the Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board said that between Dayalbagh and Mantola, about 91 major drains and about 350 small drains in the city are poisoning the river water.