After Rottweiler Attack, Tamil Nadu Bans 23 "Dangerous" Dog Breeds
It stated that the dogs in the list should undergo sterilisation surgery immediately to prevent reproduction.
In the wake of a Rottweiler dog attacking a five-year-old girl in Chennai, the Tamil Nadu Animal Husbandry Department on Thursday banned any import, breeding, or sale of 33 breeds of dogs that have been termed "dangerous" for people.
According to the Animal Husbandry Department statement, the dog breeds that are banned are Tosa Inu, Fila Brasileiro, American Bulldog, Caucasian Shephard, Kangal Shepherd Dog, Terriers, Mastiffs, Tornjak, Cane Corso, Wolf Dogs, Akbash, Pitbull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Dogo Argentino, Boerboel, Central Asian Shepherd Dog, South Russian Shepherd Dog, Japanese Tosa and Akita, Rottweiler, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Canaria, Moscow Guard, and Bandog.
It stated that the dogs in the above list should undergo sterilisation surgery immediately to prevent reproduction.