After epic journey, orphaned Ukrainian girl is reunited with grandfather
When 12-year-old Kira Obedinsky, orphaned by war, was whisked from her hometown of Mariupol to a hospital in a Russian-controlled area of eastern Ukraine earlier in March, she was unsure if she would ever be reunited with her remaining family members.
Now in Kyiv, against all the odds, she sits on a hospital bed with her grandfather Oleksander Obedinsky -- and on Wednesday spoke to CNN for the first time about her ordeal. She continues to recover from injuries that nurses say include shell fragment wounds to her face, neck, and legs. Her scarred face and introverted manner are signs of the physical and psychological trauma she has suffered.
The Obedinsky family has been torn apart by this war. Kira's father, Yevhen Obedinsky, a former captain of Ukraine's national water polo team, was killed on March 17 as Russian forces shelled the city. In that moment, Kira was orphaned, her mother having died when Kira was two weeks old.