Afghan child remains in limbo after appeals court voids U.S. Marine’s adoption
Fox News
A custody battle over an orphaned Afghan child continues as 'Baby Doe' remains in custody of a U.S. Marine and his wife, but has family living in Texas ready to take her back.
Liz Friden is a Pentagon producer based in Washington, D.C.
After hearing of the baby found in the rubble, Mast convinced a judge in rural Fluvanna County, Virginia to grant him an adoption of Baby Doe from 7,000 miles away, despite Baby Doe being cared for by her cousin and his wife. During the 2021 Afghan withdrawal chaos, Mast lured Baby Doe's cousin and his wife to the U.S., promising medical care and an education for Baby Doe.
The couple carrying Baby Doe, having narrowly escaped Taliban rule, met the Masts at Fort Pickett, Virginia where thousands of Afghan evacuees were brought. The Afghan couple wept in horror when then two-year-old Baby Doe was taken away by Mast. They had misunderstood the situation after being told by Mast and his wife that they wanted to help the young Afghan family adjust to life in America and get an education for Baby Doe.

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