‘Adopt biological method to control black bug menace on paddy’
The Hindu
Farmers have been advised to adopt biological or mechanical methods or spray chemicals to control the black bug menace on paddy crop noticed in certain parts of the delta.In a press release, V.Ambethg
Farmers have been advised to adopt biological or mechanical methods or spray chemicals to control the black bug menace on paddy crop noticed in certain parts of the delta. In a press release, V.Ambethgar, director, Tamil Nadu Rice Research Institute, Aduthurai, said that the institute received information that the presence of Scotinophara lurida (Burmeister), known as rice black bug (RBB) or psunami vandu in local parlance, was noticed on the paddy crop particularly in the coastal areas and it was multiplying rapidly. The pest attacks the rice plant at almost all the stages of growth and results in severe to complete crop loss during heavy infestation.More Related News