Adhering to hand hygiene and safe social greetings measures still an important part of our ongoing fight against Covid-19: HMC official
Gulf Times
Dr. Jameela Al Ajmi, Senior Consultant Infectious Diseases, Executive Director Infection Prevention and Control at HMC
Hand hygiene, including regularly washing your hands with soap and water as well as practicing safe social greets, are still an essential part of our fight against COVID-19, according to an expert from Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC). Dr. Jameela Al Ajmi Senior Consultant Infectious Diseases, Executive Director Infection Prevention and Control at HMC said we all still need to take key protective measures to prevent the spread of the virus. “Thanks to the overwhelming support of the community in following the COVID-19 precautionary measures and their uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine, the number of new daily COVID-19 cases in Qatar has remained stable in recent months,” Dr. Al Ajmi said. “However, with the delta variant present in Qatar, like most countries around the world, it is still extremely important that people continue to adhere to precautionary measures – this importantly includes practicing hand hygiene and safe social greetings.” Dr. Al Ajmi said that your hands and physical contact were critical ways that germs and viruses can be easily transmitted.More Related News