ADHD medication recalled for containing higher-strength tablets than labelled
Global News
Some bottles of JAMP Guanfacine extended release (XR) one-milligram tablets were found to contain four-milligram tablets, according to a recall notice.
A medication used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is being recalled for bottles containing tablets with a higher strength than labelled.
The company, JAMP Pharma Corporation, found that some bottles of JAMP Guanfacine extended-release (XR) one-milligram tablets contained four-milligram tablets.
One lot, or 100,000 units, is being recalled by the company, Health Canada said in a notice Thursday.
The medication is typically prescribed to children aged six to 17. Patients taking an unexpectedly higher dose than intended may lead to overdose and pose serious health risks, the notice says.
The notice encourages parents to check their child’s pill bottle of JAMP Guanfacine XR one-milligram tablets to ensure it contains only one-milligram tablets.
The one-milligram tablet is white and round with the letters ‘GNF’ on one side and ‘1MG’ stamped on the other.
The four-milligram tablet is green with the letters ‘GNF’ stamped on one side and ‘4MG’ on the other. The four-milligram tablet is slightly larger than the one-milligram tablet, and oval-shaped.
Parents are advised to return the one-milligram bottle to the pharmacy if a four-milligram tablet is found, or if they are unsure.