Additional firefighters arrive, fire risk remains high as Alberta prepares for warm weather
Firefighters in Alberta are preparing for increased fire activity as warm weather returns on the weekend.
Firefighters in Alberta are preparing for increased fire activity as warm weather returns on the weekend.
Wednesday afternoon, the number of wildfires in Alberta had dropped from 88 to 78. Both days, 24 were classified as out of control.
So far this year, 421 wildfires have burned 410,000 hectares and government officials say the fire risk in the province remains high.
"For context, that's about double the average area burned for the entire wildfire season, and it's only May 10," said Christie Tucker, Alberta Wildfire information unit manager.
Tucker said wetter, cooler weather had improved fire conditions in some parts of the province, but Albertans will see more smoke and increased fire activity as the weather warms back up toward the weekend – especially in the north.
"Many parts of the province have seen showers and thunder showers over the last couple of days, but the north of the province remains warm and dry," Tucker said. "Tomorrow we expect low humidity and high temperatures in the Northern Boreal which could make wildfires more active up there."
Additional firefighters have come in from B.C., Ontario, Quebec, the Yukon, New Brunswick, Oregon and Alaska, Tucker said.