ACT scores hit lowest point in more than 30 years, evidence of learning disruption caused by pandemic
Fox News
ACT scores for this years high school graduates were the lowest they have been in over 30 years. Some suggest that this is due to the learning disruption caused by the pandemic.
The test scores, made public in a report Wednesday, show 42% of ACT-tested graduates in the class of 2022 met none of the subject benchmarks in English, reading, science and math, which are indicators of how well students are expected to perform in corresponding college courses.
In comparison, 38% of test takers in 2021 failed to meet any of the benchmarks.
"Academic preparedness is where we are seeing the decline," said Rose Babington, senior director for state partnerships for the ACT. "Every time we see ACT test scores, we are talking about skills and standards, and the prediction of students to be successful and to know the really important information to succeed and persist through their first year of college courses."