Accused impaired driver crashes with toddler in vehicle on Hwy. 17
A 31-year-old Sudbury woman accused of impaired driving is facing several charges following a single-vehicle crash on Highway 17 on Saturday.
A 31-year-old Sudbury woman accused of impaired driving is facing several charges following a single vehicle crash on Highway 17 Saturday, police say.
Members from the Nipissing West Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police were called to the scene in Greater Sudbury at 5:45 p.m. Jan. 21, OPP said in a news release Monday.
"No person was injured in the collision," OPP said.
A toddler was in the vehicle at the time of the crash.
“Officer’s followed OPP policies to ensure the safety of the child,” said OPP Const. Rob Lewis, in an email to CTV News.
Police said it was determined that the driver was impaired, was arrested and then transported to the Greater Sudbury Police Service for further testing.
"It was found that the driver was a suspended driver and a small amount of drugs suspected to be fentanyl and methamphetamine was located inside the vehicle," said police.