'Absolutely horrendous': City exploring options for lights at St. James Costco
A proposal at city hall could make it safer and easier to get in and out of a Winnipeg Costco.
A proposal at city hall could make it safer and easier to get in and out of a Winnipeg Costco.
Officials are trying to work out a deal with the grocery store chain to install a set of traffic lights at the north entrance of the St. James location.
The current situation sees police on scene at times to direct drivers – the cost of which comes at Costco's expense.
A local business in the area has been keeping track of crashes over the years.
Abby Boivin has owned the Living Canvas Tattoo shop across the street for 10 years and said there's so many collisions because of the uncontrolled intersection. It’s so many that the former automotive business on site used to keep track of them.
"When we were tearing the building down, they had a tally behind a wall that we tore down that said ‘Costco accidents,’ and it was all the line checks and the cross for five, so we kept it going," said Boivin.
The city hopes there will be fewer tallies marked on the wall. A new report at city hall says the intersection meets the criteria for a new set of lights.