Aadhaar card update: List of all 64 functional Aadhaar Seva Kendra and their addresses
Zee News
Aadhaar Seva Kendra (ASK) is a single-stop destination for all Aadhaar enrolment & update services to residents.
New Delhi: Aadhaar card, the 12-digit identification number issued by UIDAI to the resident of India. Aadhaar card is issued for free of cost and is very handy when you have to submit it as a document proof.
Aadhaar issuing body Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has set up exclusive Aadhaar Seva Kendra (ASK) as a single-stop destination for all Aadhaar enrolment & update services to residents. The ASKs offer dedicated Aadhaar enrolment and update services to residents.
Here is the list of all 64 functional ASK along with their address. (Also read: Aadhaar PVC card from open market not valid, where and how to get official Aadhaar PVC card?)