A street struggles with unauthorised parking, shops, and inundation
The Hindu
A street struggles with unauthorised parking, shops, and inundation
Masilamani Street, off Thanikachalam Street, in T. Nagar is a small stretch with around a dozen buildings on either side. But the residents struggle with unauthorised parking, roadside shops and inundation.
The street once had only residential units. In the past decade though, it has become a commercial area, with the eastern end taken over by makeshift shacks of florists.
These florists are in addition to those who have been allotted shops in the Greater Chennai Corporation complex on Thyagaraya Road.
A resident of a neighbouring street said removal of the encroachments would help people walk on the narrow stretch that passes for a footpath.
A few commercial establishments, including a hotel, have sprung up along the street, leaving the road-users with little space to walk.
The ₹40-crore multi-level car parking was supposed to ease the congestion from on-street parking. But, with the Corporation deciding to permit on-street parking at slightly higher rates, there is little relief for the residents and pedestrians.
Come festival season, cars are parked all over the street, sometimes leaving no room even to walk, let alone drive.