A Personal Accident Cover Is A Must-Have Policy. Read On To Find Out Why
A personal accident insurance policy enables you to protect your family from financial and emotional burdens in case of death or life-changing disabilities
It is always better to be safe than sorry, they say, and for the right reasons. Being prepared for unexpected events is the right decision to take for your personal security and that of your family. Ensuring your family is tightly wrapped in a financial security blanket in the event of an untoward incident is possible — with a personal accident insurance policy. It enables you to protect your family from financial and emotional burdens in case of death or life-changing disabilities. Investing in such a policy will provide the insurer with various forms of compensation. Personal Accident Insurance is categorised into two types — Group Accident Insurance and Individual Accident Insurance. 1) Group Accident Insurance This policy is taken usually by business owners to get coverage for their employees. Some insurers will provide a discount on the premium depending on the number of people that need to be insured. This plan is very basic as it offers limited benefits when compared with an individual accident insurance planMore Related News