A New 10-Year Plan for the Cosmos
The New York Times
On astronomers’ wish list for the next decade: two giant telescopes and a space telescope to search for life and habitable worlds beyond Earth.
American astronomers on Thursday called for the nation to invest in a new generation of “extremely large” multibillion-dollar telescopes that would be bigger than any now on Earth or orbiting in space.
The investment would entail bailing out and combining the efforts of two rival projects, the Giant Magellan Telescope and the Thirty Meter Telescope. Once completed, these telescopes, with primary gathering mirrors 25 and 30 meters in diameter, would be about 100 times more sensitive than any telescope currently in operation.
They would allow astronomers to peer deep into the cores of distant galaxies, where monstrous black holes roam and sputter energy; investigate mysteries like dark matter and dark energy; and study planets around stars other than the sun. Perhaps more important, they could raise new questions about the nature of the universe.