A mother’s warning: Biden's Title IX plans could dangerously change your son’s life at college
Fox News
Biden's Title IX changes are a reversal of rules implemented by the Trump administration in 2020.
Caroline McCaughey was born and raised in New York City, and now lives in Portsmouth, New Hampshire with her husband and two kids.
Under Biden’s proposed Title IX rules, if a college student is accused of sexual assault or harassment, he will no longer have the right to a live hearing, to cross-examine his accuser and witnesses, or to be represented by an attorney. Instead, a school administrator can decide to forgo a hearing and weigh the "credibility" of each party on his own, acting as investigator, judge, and jury in the case.
The standard for determining guilt will also be weakened from "clear and convincing" to a "preponderance of the evidence" — in other words, that there’s a 50.1 percent or greater chance an assault occurred. Not great odds in what are often "he said, she said" cases.