A Matter of Taste | Tis a sparkling time
The Hindu
Good sparkling wine is youthful pleasure that spells celebration. It doesn't have to be expensive and there are many regions and styles to choose from. From Champagne to Sekt, US to New Zealand, and even local producers, there's something for every occasion.
A good sparkling wine is like Brigitte Bardot. No? Okay, Elisabeth Taylor? Still nope? Well, it is youthful pleasure even as it ages. I’d cite a new-age name but I have no idea how botox works into that simile.
But nothing spells celebration like sparkles. A good bubbly is the best go-to when we wish to commemorate the moment. Even abstainers will bend their rules and oblige for a glass of something fizzy and golden, or pink!
Contrary to popular belief, not all sparkling wine is expensive. Sure, there are some which will cost you dearly but if you are keen, bubbles don’t have to break the bank.
Champagne is the first name that comes to mind – exalted, protected… and quite yummy! But it has brand value which ups the price so even the ‘average’ ones command a premium. The rest of the world isn’t as lucky – they don’t have a history of two millennia worth of kings being crowned at their epicentre and drinking the wine of the region thereby making it revered. They have a lot to catch up on by way of marketing.
Which doesn’t mean that good sparklers aren’t made outside of this tiny French region. Even in France there are many other fizzy styles of wines, some of which even pre-date the champagne method.
Moving further away, as we traverse the globe, grapes change, styles change, and with the Greenhouse Effect, even traditional regions are being joined (and challenged) by new, upcoming ones. The general idea is this: cool climate is of essence, an experienced winemaker definitely helps, the rest purely depends on the magnitude of the celebration!
Off the top of my head, here are five regions (or sparkling wine styes) which are definitely worth your celebratory soirée.