A man wrongfully convicted of murder sues a rental car company for not providing a receipt that supported his alibi
A Michigan man was recently exonerated of murder, a charge for which he spent nearly five years in prison. Now, he's suing a rental car company for not providing records that, his lawyers say, would've exonerated him earlier.
Herbert Alford was wrongfully convicted of second-degree murder in 2016 and freed in 2020 after the Hertz Corporation provided a receipt that showed Alford was renting a car from the Lansing airport minutes before the murder took place. Hertz shared the documents with the court in 2018, more than two years after they were initially contacted by Alford's lawyers. "Had the defendants not ignored and disobeyed numerous court orders requiring them to produce the documentation that eventually freed Mr. Alford, he would not have spent over 1,700 days incarcerated," Alford's attorneys wrote in a complaint obtained by CNN.More Related News