A look back at the debate over trans issues in Saskatchewan for 2023
Global News
Discussion and debate around trans people in Saskatchewan has been sparked throughout 2023, whether it be from changeroom access or the province's pronoun policy.
Discussions around the trans community in Saskatchewan sparked a lot of intolerance and outcry early on in 2023, and community groups have been working to combat it the whole way through.
For many, the debate started when unconfirmed reports started spreading of a person with male anatomy in the female changeroom at the Shaw Centre in Saskatoon in March.
For others, that discussion started when former education minister Dustin Duncan announced what is known as the pronoun policy in August.
j skelton, assistant professor of queer studies in education at the University of Regina, looking back at 2023, said the biggest concerns the trans community was facing were trans-competent health care and Bill 137, which was what the pronoun policy became, requiring teachers to contact parents if kids under the age of 16 want to go by a different name for gender reasons or different pronouns.
“So if you’re a non-trans student who wants to go by a different name that’s fine, but if you’re a student who’s choosing a different name for gender reasons, they want to tell your parents first,” skelton said.
skelton said it was a problem for kids under the age of 16, but also for anyone who happens to be trans in the province.
“Our premier has been saying in the legislature he’s very comfortable bullying young trans people, and when he says he’s comfortable bullying, it means other people become comfortable bullying trans people as well,” skelton said.
skelton has heard from both trans students and adults that there is an increase in bullying.