A Historic Church Bears Testimony To Damage Caused By Haiti Earthquake
In just a few seconds, the historic Immaculee Conception church, built in 1907, was destroyed during the earthquake in Haiti
Its bell tower and yellow walls a sharp contrast with Haiti's blue tropical sky, the historic Immaculee Conception church was the pride of Les Anglais, until it was destroyed by an earthquake Saturday, burying several faithful inside. On August 14, at exactly 8:29 am (1229 GMT), a magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck southern Haiti, reducing the church's facade and steeple to a pile of rubble in seconds. At least 17 people were crushed to death by the collapsing wall and roof. "I had just finished celebrating the 6:30 am morning mass and had entered the presbytery to have coffee before returning to celebrate baptisms" when the quake struck, said parish priest Wilson Exantus Andre.More Related News