85-year-old fixes up bicycles for children’s Christmas gifts in Burnaby
Global News
For the past 17 years, Dennis Baker has been fixing discarded bikes and donating them to the Christmas Bureau for families in need.
At 85 years old, Dennis Baker is supposed to be enjoying his retirement years, but the former office supply salesman is working harder than ever.
For the past 17 years, he’s been fixing up discarded bikes and donating them to the Christmas Bureau for families in need.
“(I am working around) 40 to 50 hours a week,” said Baker.
“I have the self-satisfaction of knowing I’ll make some kids happy.”
The first year, he donated six bicycles, and last year — a record 137 bikes.
“It fulfills his life,” said Noreen Baker, Dennis’ wife. “At 85, he’s still really spry.”
Once word got around, bike shops started making donations to Baker and neighbours would show up with some old wheels destined for the scrap heap.
“I want them to look as new as possible with the budget I’ve got, which is nothing,” said Dennis.