’60s Scoop exhibit stops in Saskatoon
Global News
A travelling exhibit that tells the history of the Sixties Scoop, and its survivors will be on display at the Western Development Museum in Saskatoon on Wednesday.
An exhibit that tells the history and impacts of the ’60s Scoop stopped at the Western Development Museum (WDM) in Saskatoon on Wednesday.
The Sixties Scoop led to an unknown number of First Nations, Métis and Inuit children taken from their parents, families and communities by child intervention services and placed in non-Indigenous families, according to organizers.
Legacy of Hope Foundation president Adam North Peigan said the exhibit is an opportunity to share and educate with the experiences of survivors, including 12 personal testimonials.
“The reason that we brought this exhibit to Saskatoon today is as an opportunity to educate mainstream Canadians on the legacy and the atrocities of Sixties Scoop in Canada,” North Peigan said.
“I think a lot of Canadians really understand and are aware of the residential school but what Canadians need to understand is that there was something else that happened beyond the residential schools that was just as traumatic.
“And that was the Sixties Scoop, where Indigenous children were forcibly removed from their communities, their homes, their families and put into non-Indigenous foster homes and adoptions right across Canada and globally.”
WDM Saskatoon branch manager Jason B. Wall said the Sixties Scoop, which refers to government practices across Canada from the 1950s to the 1980s, didn’t take place that long ago.
“It’s a relatively still recent event that occurred and we just want to educate people about that and it’s all part of moving towards truth and reconciliation with the Indigenous people for some of the travesties that occurred in the past,” Wall said.