China Daily
日前,中国刑事警察学院的警犬技术学院通过官方网站发布《淘汰犬出售公告》,表示将以竞拍的形式出售已考核淘汰的受训犬。该条公告一出,吸引了众多网友围观。 A police training academy in northeastern Liaoning province is looking for permanent homes for over 50 canines that failed the exam to join the official canine team, where they would work as sniffer dogs to detect drugs and bombs, among other contraband. The animals are scheduled to be auctioned online, allowing prospective bidders to adopt a new pet as long as they pledge a lifetime of commitment and care toward the animals.辽宁省的一所警察培训学院正在为50多只警犬队落选狗狗寻找归宿,警犬可以担任嗅探犬,探测毒品和炸弹等违禁品。这些狗狗将在网上被拍卖,竞购人将有机会领养一只新宠物,只要他们对狗狗许下关爱一生的承诺。 据悉,此次拍卖的淘汰犬一共有54只,包括德牧、马犬等品种,落选原因五花八门,有年龄超标的、胆子太小的、兴奋性低、不立耳等等。