China Daily
时间在滴答地走着,一段感情消逝,一段感情降临,人们关于爱情的故事总是说不完道不尽。今天就跟随我们,一起看看书中那些动人的爱情故事吧~ 《金秘书为何那样》What's Wrong With Secretary Kim Handsome, loaded, and arrogant Youngjoon is the VP of a major corporation. Miso has been his perfect secretary, practically legend for surviving her narcissistic boss for 9 long years. But now that she's quitting, is there really nothing, or no one, that can stop her from walking away? 帅气、富有而傲慢的英俊是一家大公司的副总裁。美笑一直是他的完美秘书,长达9年的时间里,她都能在自恋的老板身边站稳脚跟,可以说是一个传奇。但现在她要辞职了,真的就没有什么,或者说没有人,能阻止她离开吗? 《初恋》First LoveMore Related News