3 years after OSAP overhaul, many Ontario students still struggling to get funding they need
When Alexis Da Ponte was accepted to her desired program at York University — a Bachelor of Fine Arts concurrent with a Bachelor of Education — she was thrilled to begin a new chapter of her life this fall.
"I am the first to go to university… Both my parents after high school, went straight to working. So I'll be the first to kind of experience it," said the 17-year-old who recently graduated from high school.
But the day after her prom, and the day before her graduation, she received a letter saying she was not eligible for funding from the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)..
Da Ponte, who lives with her parents and grandmother in an apartment in Toronto's west end, says her family lives paycheque-to-paycheque and although they've been working to save, they're unable to contribute substantially to her schooling.
"My parents both barely make enough to kind get by … It's definitely not enough for me to go through university."
In 2019, the Ford government overhauled the OSAP system with changes that included making dependent students ineligible for OSAP grants if their family earns more than $140,000, increasing expected parental contributions for loans and changing the definition of an independent student. Three years later, with inflation pushing many students' costs upward, and a return to in-person learning driving up housing and travel costs, many say those changes are affecting them more than ever.
Da Ponte says while she'll be able to cover tuition for her first year with help, she has no idea how she'll cover the remaining three years.
"I don't truly know if I'm going to be able to continue my education as steadily as I thought I would be able to with OSAP," said Da Ponte, who says she'll try to apply for a line of credit.
The changes to OSAP have also impacted Vivian Miyata, a third year student at McGill from Ontario.
She has been eligible for OSAP but has watched as more of her grants turned into loans. Even then, that money doesn't cover her tuition, let alone books and living costs. In 2021, those costs went up as she moved to Montreal when in-person classes returned.
"I feel like I'm just trying to keep up and I feel like I'm just chasing ... working multiple jobs to keep up with the rising cost," said the 20 year old.
"I feel like OSAP hasn't really reflected the increased living costs this past year. Obviously, groceries have gotten so expensive, everything in terms of rent. Housing is so difficult to find."
Another change to OSAP is the length of time until a student is considered "independent," which is now six years, versus four years previously. Until then, they are required to submit their parents' income, and that has an impact both on their eligibility for funding and the amount they receive.
"I think that it's kind of another blow," said Tushar Sood, who is moving on to medical school in August at the University of Toronto, where he'll be responsible for tuition that's nearly four times higher.