3 Vancouver Island cats hold owners' blender hostage — for a month
In a standoff that has lasted nearly a month, three cats based in Langford, on southern Vancouver Island, have tried to claim ownership of a blender box — a saga that has fascinated social media users worldwide.
It all started on Dec. 16, according to Nikii Gerson-Neeves, one of the trio's human owners, when she brought in a new Vitamix blender and left the still-unopened, knee-high box on the kitchen floor.
Her four-year-old tuxedo cat, Max, immediately jumped on the box, bemusing Nikii's wife Jessica, who took a picture and uploaded it to a Facebook group that celebrates chunky cats.
By morning the situation had escalated: Max's two 13-year-old siblings, George (Destroyer of Worlds) and Lando Calrissian, had taken an interest in the Vitamix box, too. From there, Nikii says, things spiralled out of control.
"We're creeping up on a month. It has been just shy of a month, which is ridiculous," Jessica said.
It's a month that has seen the couple deprived of the blender as their three fluffballs, all rescue cats, take turns atop their box perch, and their Facebook page explode in popularity.
"When we started the page we have for the cats on Facebook … it had around 50 followers, something like that," Nikii said. "[Now] over 19,000 people follow the page."
Max, George and Lando have made their household famous, with stories of the cats' antics going beyond the shores of Vancouver Island.
"There are people commenting, 'Hey, from Italy!', 'We saw this on our news in Australia,'" Jessica said. "Like, what?"
"Someone sent us a post translated into Chinese the other day … it's everywhere," Nikii said.
"Cat videos go viral all the time, you just never expect it to be your cats."
After days of being deprived of their expensive blender, the couple hatched a plan to get the cats off their new throne. They reached out to Vitamix to ask the company for some dummy boxes.
"We thought that they might get a kick out of how much the cats had fallen in love with this," Jessica said. "If they decided to … send along three empty boxes, great, it'll be a terrific laugh for everybody involved."