3 northern Ontario writers in the running for Governor General's Awards
Rebecca Salazar spent her day in disbelief when she found out she was nominated for a Governor General's Literary Award.
Her book of poetry, called sulphurtongue, was nominated in the English Poetry category.
"I look up to so many of the poets that are on the list with me that I kind of feel like I'm staring up to very tall people, while I am very small," said Salazar, who grew up in Sudbury but now lives in Fredericton, New Brunswick.
She said she has been overwhelmed by the support she has received since she got the news she was nominated for the prestigious prize.
While she no longer lives in northern Ontario, Salazar said her life in Sudbury has left a permanent impression on her identity and her work.
Her book's title alludes to the taste and smell she remembers from her childhood, when it was not uncommon for sulphur dioxide to coat the city's air.
"Even growing up, I just remember that smell," she said.