3 new COVID-19 deaths reported by Windsor-Essex health unit
The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit (WECHU) is reporting three more deaths associated with COVID-19, and 360 new high-risk cases of the virus, since Friday.
The health unit provides few details around an individual's death, such as vaccination status or underlying health conditions.
One woman in her 60s, and two men in their 70s have died. None of them were residents of long-term care or retirement homes.
There have been a total of 565 deaths related to the virus in Windsor-Essex.
In its Monday update, WECHU said there are currently 672 active high-risk cases of the virus in the region, meaning they are among people eligible for a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test in Ontario.
Individuals who are eligible include:
A full list for testing eligibility is available online here.
There are 70 people currently in hospital with the disease, including 10 people in intensive care.
There are also 62 active outbreaks in the county:
In a media call on Monday afternoon, WECHU zcting medical officer of health Dr. Shanker Nesathurai said it was too early to know what impact the loosening of provincial restrictions — Ontario began relaxing restrictions on Jan. 31 — was having on cases in the region, but more should be known this week.
However, Nesathurai said, "we would anticipate an increasing burden of disease or increasing burden of illness."
Tracking case numbers is more difficult currently, he said, due to a reduced testing capacity.
"We have to use other data elements, such as the number of people hospitalized, the number of people in the ICU, wastewater data," Nesathurai said.
"As of [Monday] ... there are 70 people currently in the hospital in the Windsor-Essex health district because of COVID and 10 are in the intensive care unit," he said. "I think that we have to follow those two numbers closely get an understanding of the burden of illness now that we have relaxation."