3 KHSC staff members in same field test positive for COVID-19, outbreak declared
Global News
Kingston Health Sciences Centre says three staff members working in the same clinical field have tested positive for COVID-19, prompting the health unit to declare an outbreak.
Kingston Health Sciences Centre says a second COVID-19 outbreak has been declared among its ranks, this time with three staff members affected.
According to the hospital organization, three people within the same medical specialty have tested positive. KHSC would not name what field they are working in due to confidentiality reasons.
This is the second COVID-19 outbreak declared within Kingston hospitals this month, with another outbreak affecting a total of four people on the Davies 3 cardiac care unit. There is no indication the outbreaks are related.
As for the new outbreak within the one clinical service, KHSC says 24 patients, most as a result of outpatient clinic appointments, were deemed to be close contacts of the staff members prior to the positive results.
Impacted patients will be contacted by KFL&A Public Health.
All other clinical services at KHSC continue to operate normally, including the individual service impacted by the most recent outbreak.