2nd Saskatoon cyclist killed in 4 months sparks calls for change
Global News
Those at Saskatoon Cycles say there isn’t enough being done to make the roads safer, and certainly not enough urgency.
Another cyclist has been killed in the city of Saskatoon, as a result of a collision with a motor vehicle, and calls for better cycling infrastructure are mounting.
Darin Kinniewess was struck by a vehicle at Avenue P South and 19th Street on Sept. 6, marking the second cyclist death in four months in Saskatoon. Earlier in the summer, Natasha Fox was struck by a cement truck while cycling.
Those at Saskatoon Cycles say there isn’t enough being done to make the roads safer, and certainly not enough urgency.
“We are vulnerable road users in situations where we are confronted with dangerous intersections and then having to make choices of what to do in a split second to avoid feeling endangered or actually being physically (hurt),” James Arnold with Saskatoon Cycles said.
As Arnold looked at the intersection where the collision took place, he said he had felt scared on that corner before.
“What are we doing, Saskatoon?” he asked. “Saskatoon city council, please, let’s get this together. Let’s avoid more injuries and death.”
The details of the latest cyclist fatal collision have not been released by the Saskatoon police.
According to SGI, between 2017 and 2022 across the province, there were 708 total collisions involving bicycles. Six of them were fatal.