China Daily
China will continue its routine COVID-19 control measures this year, with a focus on rolling out targeted and scientific measures to minimize their impact on normal production and lives, as well as accelerating research into vaccines and medicines, according to the Government Work Report released on Saturday.根据3月5日发布的《政府工作报告》,2022年,中国将继续做好常态化疫情防控,落实科学精准防控措施,降低对正常生产生活的影响,并加快疫苗和特效药物研发。
The country will stick to its strategy of preventing imported infections and domestic flare-ups while refining its virus containment measures by stepping up the capabilities of port cities, intensifying studies into virus mutations and continuing the mass vaccination campaign.中国将坚持外防输入、内防反弹,不断优化完善防控措施,加强口岸城市疫情防控,加大对病毒变异的研究,持续做好疫苗接种工作。
Last year, China consolidated outcomes achieved through its effective COVID-19 response and fully vaccinated over 85 percent of its population, according to the report, which Premier Li Keqiang delivered at the opening of the fifth session of the 13th National People's Congress.根据李克强总理在十三届全国人大五次会议上作的政府工作报告,2021年,中国通过有效的防疫措施和85%的疫苗全程接种覆盖率巩固了所取得的抗疫成果。
"Local outbreaks were suppressed in an effective and quick manner," he said. "By making these efforts, we ensured the health and safety of the people and maintained the normal order of work and life."李克强表示:“及时有效处置局部地区聚集性疫情,保障了人民生命安全和身体健康,维护了正常生产生活秩序。”
The country's dynamic zero-case policy, which emphasizes prompt control of fresh domestic outbreaks, has enabled it to maintain "a world-leading position in COVID-19 control", according to another work report issued by the National Development and Reform Commission on Saturday.国家发展和改革委员会3月5日发布的报告称,中国的“动态清零”政策使其“疫情防控保持全球领先地位”。
Concerted efforts have also been devoted to guaranteeing supplies of COVID-19 vaccines and upgrading them to tackle new variants. By the end of last year, more than 5 billion doses had been produced, and the domestic immunization campaign had progressed smoothly to cover 1.2 billion people, the NDRC work report said.新冠疫苗的供应也在各方共同努力下得到保障,中国还对疫苗进行了升级,以应对新型变异毒株。国家发展改革委报告称,截至2021年年底,中国已生产50多亿剂疫苗,国内疫苗接种工作进展顺利,覆盖12亿人。
The first domestically developed drug for treating COVID-19 was also approved for market, it added.国家发展改革委报告还称,首款国内研发的新冠特效药也获批上市。
In terms of international cooperation, China has actively shared samples, data and response measures related to COVID-19 with the international community. It became the world's largest provider of COVID-19 vaccines, greatly boosting their accessibility in developing countries.在国际合作方面,中国积极与国际社会共享新冠病毒相关样本、数据和疫情防控措施。中国成为对外提供疫苗最多的国家,大大提高了新冠疫苗在发展中国家的可及性。
This year, in the face of sporadic local outbreaks and the virus' rampage overseas, the reports said the disease control capabilities of ports and centralized isolation facilities will be further strengthened, along with intensified efforts to sanitize cold chain imports and manage high-risk workers.报告称,今年,面对零星散发的本土疫情和海外肆虐的病毒,将进一步强化口岸和集中隔离点的疫情防控能力,同时加强对冷链进口产品的消毒和高风险工作人员的管理。
Xiang Dong, deputy head of the Research Office of the State Council, China's Cabinet, said the Chinese mainland has experienced more than 40 infection clusters in the past two years, all triggered by imported infections.国务院研究室副主任向东表示,过去两年,中国境内发生的40多起群体感染疫情都是由境外输入引起的。