China Daily
China remains a priority market for companies of the United States, with many of them believing it is vital to stay competitive in this market in order to win globally, the American Chamber of Commerce in China said in a white paper on Tuesday.
The document, the 24th edition of the American Business in China White Paper, said that AmCham China's member companies stand committed to the Chinese market. About 83 percent of them report they are not considering relocating manufacturing or sourcing outside of China.
第 24 期《美国企业在中国白皮书》指出,中国美国商会的会员公司将深耕中国市场。83%的企业报告称没有将制造或采购转移出中国的打算。
With China being a top market priority for nearly two-thirds of the chamber's member companies, Colm Rafferty, the chamber's chairman, said its members believe that a decoupling of the US and China economies is in neither country's economic interest.