China Daily
1. The Battle at Lake Changjin 《长津湖》
Set during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea (1950-53), the film centers on a heroic company of the Chinese People's Volunteers (CPV) army, reflecting CPV soldiers' iron will and great spirit to safeguard the then newly founded People's Republic of China.影片以抗美援朝战争(1950-1953年)为背景,以中国人民志愿军的英雄连队为主角,反映了中国人民志愿军捍卫当时新成立的中华人民共和国的钢铁意志和伟大精神。
Resonating with an audience running into the millions and enhancing their pride in China's great achievements, the film became hugely popular, smashing a total of 26 records, mainly in terms of box-office and admission figures.这部电影引起了数百万观众的共鸣,并增强了观众对中国伟大成就的自豪感。《长津湖》大获成功,共打破了票房和观影人数等26项纪录。
The 176-minute film, which cost 1.3 billion yuan ($202.7 million), became the most expensive of its kind in China. By Nov 24, its overall box office surpassed 5.69 billion yuan ($891.1 million), replacing Wolf Warrior 2 at the top of China's all-time box office charts.这部176分钟的电影耗资13亿元,是同类国产电影中制作成本最高的一部。截至11月24日,该片总票房超过56.9亿元人民币,取代《战狼2》成为中国影史票房第一的电影。