2 Ontario men charged after allegedly producing recruitment videos for listed terrorist entity
Two men from Ontario have been arrested on charges of terrorism after allegedly producing recruitment videos for a listed terrorist organization and circulating far-right manifestos online, police say.
Two men from Ontario have been arrested on charges of terrorism after allegedly producing recruitment videos for a listed terrorist organization and circulating far-right manifestos online, police say.
The arrests come after an 18-month investigation conducted by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s Integrated National Security Enforcement Team which saw warrants executed in the Niagara and Toronto region.
Police said in a news release on Friday that the warrants uncovered substantial evidence, including far-right manifestos circulated on Telegram as well as video made in an effort to recruit individuals to an organization called Atomwaffen Division (AWD).
That organization, police say, is an “international neo-Nazi terror group” which has called “for acts of violence against racial, religious, and ethnic groups, police, and bureaucrats, to prompt the collapse of society.”
Two individuals have been arrested on terror-related charges as a result of the probe. Police have not yet publicly identified the accused.
One of those individuals is facing eight charges, including three counts of commission of hate crimes offences for a terrorist group and two counts of participation in the activities of a terrorist group.
The other individual was charged with one count of participating in the activities of a terrorist group.