2 Killed After Scooter Hits Railing, Falls Off Flyover In Maharashtra
The scooter rider lost control over the two-wheeler and it hit the protection wall of the flyover, he said.
Two persons were killed after their scooter hit the wall of a flyover and they fell off the bridge in Maharashtra's Thane city on Tuesday, civic officials said.
The accident took place at around 3.30 am on the flyover at Castle Mill Naka when the victims were going towards Thane station from Majiwada, Thane Municipal Corporation's regional disaster management cell chief Avinash Sawant said.
The scooter rider lost control over the two-wheeler and it hit the protection wall of the flyover, he said.
Both the victims fell from the flyover and received severe injuries. They were rushed to the Thane civil hospital where doctors declared them brought dead, the official said.