188 Crore Covid Vaccine Doses Required To Inoculate 18-Plus Population: Centre
COVID-19 Vaccines India: In a written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha, Minister of State for Health Bharati Pravin Pawar said it is estimated that around 1.87 billion (187 crore) doses will be available between January and December 2021.
The projected 18-plus population in the country is 94 crore and therefore, the total requirement of COVID-19 vaccine doses for the beneficiaries in this age group is 188 crore, but the number may reduce if in the future, single-dose vaccines are approved and used, the government told Parliament on Tuesday. In a written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha on whether the present Covid vaccine manufacturing firms have the capacity to produce the required quantity, Minister of State for Health Bharati Pravin Pawar said it is estimated that around 1.87 billion (187 crore) doses will be available between January and December 2021. In addition, a few vaccines under development may also receive approval and may be available for use to inoculate the eligible population, she added. In a separate written reply, Ms Pawar said the price of the Covid vaccines declared by the two domestic manufacturers for procurement by private hospitals is Rs 600 for Covishield and Rs 1,200 for Covaxin.More Related News