15 minutes extra for college and univ offline exams in Maharashtra: Uday Samant
India Today
Higher And Technical Education Minister of Maharashtra Uday Samant has asked colleges and universities to provide students 15 minutes extra in offline exams. Here's why.
Uday Samant, Maharashtra’s higher and technical education minister has asked colleges and universities to give students 15 minutes extra during offline exams. The move was announced a few days after Mumbai University directed its autonomous colleges to provide extra time to students appearing for offline exams.
Samant suggested vice-chancellors of various Maharashtra universities provide 15 minutes extra to students in a meeting held on Wednesday. The decision was taken with due consideration for students who haven’t appeared in offline exams since schools and colleges closed because of the Covid-19 pandemic two years ago.
“Covid forced education to the online platform and exams too were being conducted online,” tweeted Uday Samant.
“Considering that after a break of two years, students will be appearing for exams in offline mode, universities should give 15 extra minutes for every hour of the exam period to students,” added the Maharashtra higher education minister.
The decision to provide 15 minutes extra in college and university exams was also taken because many students studying in colleges and universities of Maharashtra had approached Uday Samant for the same.
The Department of Higher Education and Technical Education also received a letter from Yuva Sena requesting that college and university students be given a concession or extra time for offline exams because they hadn’t appeared for physical written exams for over two years.
Students will not get 15 minutes extra time for all of their exam papers. The extra time will be decided based on the total marks of the theory paper.