13 Subtle Changes Veterinarians Would Never Ignore In Their Cats
Feline health experts break down the red flags that may indicate a serious underlying problem.
Cat owners might be tempted to brush off subtle changes in their feline friends as quirks or temporary moods, but experts warn that even little shifts can indicate underlying health issues that need to be addressed.
“Because cats are mesopredators, meaning they are a species that hunt and are hunted, they have a remarkable ability to hide signs of illness to avoid being prey to predators,” Dr. Tracey Deiss, a veterinarian and feline pain and anxiety medical lead for Zoetis, told HuffPost. “By the time [owners] come in to see me for a suspected problem, the disease is often advanced, making management more challenging. That’s why acknowledging rather than ignoring any atypical sign ― and acting on it ― is important for cat caregivers.”
Unlike other pets, cats tend to be rather subtle creatures, so don’t overlook small shifts in their behavior or health. To help guide people with felines in their homes, HuffPost asked Deiss and other experts to identify the signs and changes they would never ignore in a cat. Read on for 13 things to look out for.
Decreased Activity
“Healthy cats spend 90% of their day sleeping, but when they are up, they are typically active, playing with toys, climbing to a favorite perch or having the zoomies,” said Dr. Ann Hohenhaus, a senior veterinarian with the Schwarzman Animal Medical Center. “Many cat owners are unaware that cats can develop arthritis. Arthritic cats don’t move around as much as they used to.”