12th COVID-related death on P.E.I.
The P.E.I. Chief Public Health Office is reporting the 12th COVID-related death of the pandemic.
There are 10 COVID-19 related hospitalizations, including one in the intensive care unit. There are six other people in hospital who were admitted for other reasons but tested positive for COVID-19 on admission or after.
The death is the youngest person to die on P.E.I., a person 40-59.
There are 199 new cases of COVID-19 and 273 new recoveries.
A case is deemed recovered if it has been seven days (if fully vaccinated) or 10 days (if not fully vaccinated) since symptoms began, according to the Chief Public Health Office (CPHO). If a case was asymptomatic (no symptoms), the CPHO uses the date of the test as Day 0 to start the seven or 10 days.
Over the last seven days there have been an average of 212 cases per day.
There are 2,207 active cases of COVID-19 on P.E.I., and have been a total of 8,764 cases.
COVID-19 exposures at Island schools are listed on the Public Schools Branch website.
There are 23 early learning and child-care centres with outbreaks. Four centres are open, five centres are closed and 14 centres are operating at modified or reduced capacity.
As of Wednesday, 96.8 per cent of Islanders 12 and above have received at least one dose of vaccine, 93.5 per cent were fully vaccinated and 66.2 per cent of children aged five to 11 have had one dose of vaccine.