1 new death related to COVID-19 reported on P.E.I.
P.E.I. is reporting one new death related to COVID-19 during the past week.
The person is between the ages 40-59. It is the 26th death related to COVID-19 on P.E.I.
There have been 1,163 new cases, with an average of 166 cases per day, since the last the update April 26.
That is down from 1,738 new cases and an average of 248 cases per day the previous week.
Six people are in hospital due to COVID-19. Seven others were admitted for other reasons and were COVID-19 positive on or after admission. There is nobody in the Intensive Care Unit being treated for COVID-19.
There have been 35,433 confirmed cases of COVID-19 on P.E.I. since the beginning of the pandemic more than two years ago.
There are outbreaks at the following long-term care or community care facilities:
Seven early learning and child-care centres are dealing with outbreaks and remain open.