Laura Ingraham blasts Biden administration, Democrats who 'fear the GOP far more than they fear the CCP'
Fox News
The actions of the incoming Joe Biden administration continue to belie their insistence that they will endeavor to promote unity among Americans, Laura Ingraham said Tuesday.
However, Ingraham noted, there mere presence of such overwhelming force in the nation's capital apparently wasn't enough. "Now the Democrats are afraid of the very Guard that they need, they think they need, to protect them from their own people," she said. "The results of this unfounded paranoia has been several days of folly. First, they announced the FBI would vet the 25,000 National Guard members already serving their country ... But that offended Governor [Greg] Abbott of Texas as, indeed, it should offend anyone with the National Guard."More Related News

DAVID MARCUS: Shocking report reveals need to drive stake through heart of Biden’s censorship regime
Columnist David Marcus writes that a new Media Research Center report highlighting just how bad censorship got under Biden proves that we need to implement laws that prevent it from ever coming back.