Tim Graham: With Biden as president these 5 trends will vanish from the liberal media
Fox News
Anyone who remembers the Obama years can guess the changes in the media that are coming with Biden as president
1. No rewards for Jim Acosta screaming at the White House press briefing. When a Republican president briefs reporters, he knows that about 99 percent of the room voted for his Democrat opponent. A Democratic president also knows it. During the 2020 presidential campaign, the tone of reporters asking questions of candidate Joe Biden had all the ferocity of a rerun of "Barney & Friends." To call some of these questions "softballs" is an insult to softballs. Even if we are treated to a firm question from say, ABC’s Jonathan Karl, it will be polite. (And most likely, given our experience under Obama, ABC will skip the exchange on their newscasts.)More Related News

DAVID MARCUS: Shocking report reveals need to drive stake through heart of Biden’s censorship regime
Columnist David Marcus writes that a new Media Research Center report highlighting just how bad censorship got under Biden proves that we need to implement laws that prevent it from ever coming back.