China Daily
Rhode Island is set to become the first state to create safe-injection sites for intravenous drug users as overdoses take over from car crashes as the number one cause of accidental death in the US.在美国,吸毒过量已经超过车祸成为导致意外死亡的头号原因。因此,罗德岛州将为静脉注射吸毒者设立全美首个毒品安全注射中心。
The state is set to codify rules for operating supervised injection sites in a two-year pilot program by January, with locations to be agreed upon by March.该州将在明年1月前制定一项为期两年的安全注射中心运营试点计划,并在3月之前确定注射中心的选址。
Users can also have their drugs tested for fentanyl - an opioid 100 times stronger than morphine which has been blamed for the record-breaking overdose deaths last year.吸毒者可以在这些地方测试他们吸的毒品是否含有芬太尼,这种阿片类药物的毒性是吗啡的100倍,也是去年用药过量死亡数量破纪录的罪魁祸首。